Note: a new festival of books and music
October sees the start of “Note”, a new festival born out of the collaboration between Musicus Concentus and Ideerranti, an association founded in 2021 with the aim of promoting culture as a tool for the human and civil maturation of society. A series of talks about music and literature, hosted in Sala Vanni in Florence and with free entrance, featuring writers, critics and musicians.
The first talk (Thursday, Oct. 12 at 18.00.) is with Marco Molendini, journalist and music critic who will present his book “Pepito. Il principe del Jazz” published by Minimum Fax. The book tells the incredible and fascinating story of Prince Pepito Pignatelli, a drummer and jazz enthusiast, of the world that revolved around him and that largely coincided with the Rome of the Dolce Vita, and of his thousands of crazy endeavors to bring to the capital the music he considered the most beautiful in the world.
The second talk (Thursday, Nov. 9 at 18.00) is with composer and trombonist Giancarlo Schiaffini, who will present his book “Una generazione fortunata” published by Auditorium Edizioni. An autobiography that, starting from the creative ferment of the post-World War II period, that of Rock’n’Roll, Pop Art, Beat, improvisation and singer-songwriters, explores the impact that the 1950s and 1960s had on an entire generation of musicians.
Both meetings will be moderated by Neri Pollastri, florentine journalist who writes for “Musica Jazz,” “Il Giornale della Musica” and “All About Jazz Italia.” Participants under the age of 25 will be given a free copy of the books.